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Tag: shower unblocking Dublin

Tips for Clearing Clogged Drains

If you spend much time in the kitchen, it's likely that your kitchen drain will get plugged up at some point. When it happens, resist the urge to pour a chemical drain cleaner down the sink, as these are toxic liquids that can cause burns to your skin, and may be harmful to your plumbing.

Avoid the chemicals and try a "greener" solution by following these steps for unclogging your drain. You can also look for professional plumber in Dublin.

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1. First, remove the stopper from your sink and then clean off any debris that may be stuck in the top of the drain. Run water down the drain to see if it's still plugged up. If it is, fill the sink half full of water.

2. Get your toilet plunger, put it over the drain, and pump it up and down about 10 times. On the last stroke, be sure to lift it quickly from the drain. If the water drains down the sink, then you know you've unstopped it.

3. If you can't clear the drain with the plunger, the next step is to open up the curved piece of pipe underneath the sink known as the trap. Put a bucket directly under the trap to catch the water you're going to unleash.

4. If cleaning out the trap didn't work, your next step will be to use a plumber's snake. These are available at hardware and home improvement stores.