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Tag: Separation Anxiety

Dog Training Tips And Puppy Separation Anxiety

Do you think your puppy is suffering from puppy separation anxiety (PSA)? You might notice a constant whimpering at night, which is more common in puppies with separation anxiety. Your puppy is used to living with his siblings and mother, but now he feels alone. 

As a way to ease separation anxiety, you can start pup separation training as soon as possible. Positive dog training is a great way to help your puppy through separation anxiety. 

How to Treat Puppy Separation Anxiety

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It might be worth considering adopting a puppy when it isn't so difficult to lose a few nights of sleep. If you don't allow your puppy to sleep with the owner, the best advice for dog training is to give him a bed or bedding along with a crate. 

Make sure your dog knows where he should sleep at night, and that the environment is cozy and comfortable. To help with separation anxiety, some people put a ticking clock in the bedding. The ticking sounds are believed to be the puppy's mother's heartbeat. This method of training puppies has proven successful for most dogs.

Positive dog training can help your puppy if he whines during the first night. Come to him when he's whimpering, and offer comfort. This will help him realize that he's not alone. 

You don't want to keep this going too long or your dog might believe you are coming for him every night. For the first few days, it might be a good idea to get up and comfort your dog at night.