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Tag: lash extension glue

Benefits Of Using Lash Extension Glue

Lash extension glue is an important part of the application process for eyelash extensions. It is designed to provide a strong and lasting bond between the natural lashes and the extensions, and it is often the difference between a successful lash application and a total disaster. There are many benefits to using the best lash extension glue and understanding these benefits can help any lash technician provide the best possible service to their clients.

It provides a strong and lasting bond between the natural lashes and the extensions. This means that the extensions will stay in place for longer and will not easily come loose. This is especially important when using heavier extensions, as it ensures that the lashes will not slip off or become damaged.

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It is designed to be gentle and safe for use near the eye. This means that it is unlikely to cause any irritation or other issues. It is also important to note that this type of glue can last up to three weeks or more, depending on the type used.  

Finally, it is easy to use and apply. It should be applied in thin layers and allowed to dry before the extensions are applied. This ensures that it does not dry too quickly and that the extensions will stay in place for longer. It also ensures that it does not cause any irritation or other issues.