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Tag: dental mixed works

Types Of Dental Mixed Work In Laval

Dental mixed works, also known as dental composite resin, is a type of dental restoration that uses two or more materials to create a composite restoration. This type of restoration is used to replace missing teeth and correct facial defects.

The two main materials used in affordable dental mixed work in Laval are resin and porcelain. Porcelain is used to make the outside of the restoration and resin is used to make the inside.

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Some dental mixtures are designed to clean and polish teeth, while others are meant to strengthen them. Here is a look at the three most common types of dental mixes:

1. Mouthwash Mixtures: Mouthwash mixtures typically contain surfactants and fluoride to help clean teeth and remove debris. They can also contain other ingredients to moisturize and protect teeth from decay or cavities.

2. Dental Floss Mixtures: Dental floss mixtures generally contain small amounts of surfactants and fluoride to help remove food particles and plaque from between teeth. They may also include other ingredients, such as baking soda, to promote oral hygiene.

3. Toothpaste Mixtures: Toothpaste mixtures typically contain abrasives and fluoride to help remove plaque and bacteria from teeth. They may also include other ingredients, such as whitening agents or mints, to improve oral hygiene or flavor .