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Tag: commission art

What Is Commission Art?

Commission art is a term used to describe artwork that is created for a specific client or customer. The artist and the customer enter into an agreement, often in the form of a contract, to create a piece of artwork that meets the customer’s needs. The artist is typically paid a fee, or a commission, for the work they have created. 

Types of Commission Art

The quality commission art can take many forms. It can include paintings, sculptures, illustrations, and even digital art. Many artists specialize in one particular type of commission art, while others can work in any medium. 

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What Are The Benefits Of Commission Art?    

Commission art is an excellent way for customers to get exactly the artwork they need. The artist is able to create a piece of art that is tailored to the customer’s specific needs and preferences. It also allows customers to support the artist and the creative process. Commission art is also a great way for customers to show their appreciation for the artwork they receive. By paying a commission for the artist’s work, customers are helping to support the artist and their craft. This is especially true for artists who depend on commissions for their livelihood.