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Tag: black taper fade

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The Right Black Taper Fade

A black taper fade is a type of men's hairstyle that is created by gradually fading the hair on the sides and back of the head from short to very short. This is typically done by using electric clippers, and it can be used to create a variety of different looks. If you are looking for a black taper fade then, you may check this website.

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Here are some guidelines:

First, decide what type of taper you like. A classic taper will gradually reduce the length of the hair from the top down, while a modern taper will feature a sharper angle and more pronounced contrast between the length at the top and the sides. 

Next, decide how short you like the sides to be. A shorter cut will create a more dramatic look, while a longer cut will be more subtle and versatile.

Finally, consider the type of finish you like. A razor or blade finish will create a sharper line between the sides and the top, while a scissor finish will leave a softer, more blended look.

You are ready to hit the barbershop once you have chosen your desired taper, length, and finish. Keep in mind that the black taper fade is an ever-evolving look, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and lengths to find the perfect look for you.