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Which Filling Equipment Is Best for Powder Products?

Companies with special equipment requirements often face challenges with powder filling systems. The bottling solution must meet the goals of accuracy, efficiency and maintenance to achieve a return on investment. Any company looking for high quality filling equipment needs the right type of filling and machine design to meet customer expectations and financial goals.

You can look for the best capsule machine at

Type of powder filling equipment suitable for the product

Semi-automatic screw filling machine: The screw type, one of the most popular filling machines, has a vertical rotary screw that moves continuously to remove the right amount of dust in one pack. The powder content remains constant in each package as the screw rotates at a constant speed.

Automatic vertical machine for filling and sealing forms: This popular machine combines three packaging steps. Automatic vertical form fillers can reduce the steps, but companies have to select them based on the amount of powder they need.

Volume filler: The filling cup draws out the product from the bottom of the funnel like a cup in the same steps. They are fast, accurate, and relatively inexpensive to use. Cup fillers do not work well with stagnant powders.

Capsule filling machine: Companies uses capsule filling machines for small and pharmaceutical filling activities. This machine can only process a small amount of powder filling at a time and offers no scalable options. The capsule filling machine is one of the most widely used fillers on the market today.