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What Is Spray Foam Insulation And Where Can You Use It?

Spray foam, also known as SPF or Spray Polyurethane Foam, is a type of plastic that can be applied by spraying. Spray foam can provide insulation in a continuous layer and seals air gaps around corners, roofs, walls, and other contoured surfaces. 

Spray foam expands when mixed to form a foam that seals, insulates, and protects against moisture and vapor. You can buy this foam insulator online very easily at This insulation has been proven to resist heat transfer and can be used to reduce air leakage from cracks, joints, seams, and other areas.

Spray Foam Insulation

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There are three types of foam available. They can all be used for insulation and other purposes.

  • Low-Density SPF can be used to fill in interior cavities and attics that have not been vented.

  • Medium Density SPF can also be used to fill in interior cavities or attics that are not vented, but it can also be used as continuous insulation.

  • High-density foam is used primarily for roofing and exterior applications.

Your professional SPF contractor can explain the benefits and unique properties of each type of SPF to you. These are important points to consider when deciding which SPF is best for you. There are differences in how the foam is made and installed.

Spray foam installation isn't for the common homeowner. Spray foam installation is best left to professionals with the necessary equipment and safety knowledge. SPF insulation is an efficient and cost-effective choice for your home.