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Useful Tips For Rattan Furniture Maintenance

The rattan material is durable, light-weight, and flexible. It can be easily transformed into everyday items like a walking cane, basket, or furniture. Rattan furniture is a great alternative to wood furniture. It can also add an exotic feel to your home.

Like wood, rattan furniture can be painted or stained with varnishes, wood stains and paints. You can browse this website to buy rattan furniture that is available in many colors. It is usually available in its natural color and then coated with clear varnish. It doesn't require much maintenance.

These tips will help you maintain the beauty and quality of your furniture.

Clean the surface regularly: Cleaning furniture made of rattan is difficult because it has so many crevices. Use a mild detergent that has been diluted with water. Use the solution to lightly wet a soft cloth and remove any dirt or stains.

Don't soak the rattan with too much water. A vacuum cleaner can also be used to remove dust. You can also use an old toothbrush to clean the stubborn dirt from the crevices. Avoid using detergent on rattan too often as it can cause damage to the lacquer coating.

Place the furniture indoors: Because rattan furniture can be damaged by sunlight and weather, it is not recommended for outdoor use. It is best to keep your rattan furniture indoors and away from direct sunlight.

You must also maintain a healthy humidity level in your home. Low humidity can make the material dry and brittle. Extreme moisture is the perfect environment for mold growth.