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Types of Eyelash Extensions in Calgary

Eyelash extensions are a type of eyelash treatment, which is applied by adhesive to existing eyelashes. Eyelash extensions can be applied by a professional in the form of semi-permanent lashes and can be removed at will with a special remover solution.

The beauty of this type of treatment is that it makes your lashes look fuller and thicker, which make them look more lush and beautiful. You can opt for the best eyelash extensions in Calgary from various sources.

If you’re considering eyelash extensions, you may be wondering what type is right for you. Here are the most popular types of lash extensions, along with their pros:

1. Mink Eyelash Extensions

Mink lash extensions are made from genuine mink fur. They’re softer and more lightweight than synthetic lashes, and they give a natural-looking result. However, they’re also more expensive than other types of eyelash extensions.

2. Silk Eyelash Extensions

Silk lash extensions are made from synthetic fibers that mimic the look and feel of real silk. They’re usually darker and thicker than mink lashes, so they can give your eyes a more dramatic look. Silk lashes are also more affordable than mink lashes.

3. Synthetic Eyelash Extensions

Synthetic lash extensions are made from plastic fibers. They’re the least expensive type of lash extension, but they’re also the least natural-looking. If you want a very bold or “fake” look, synthetic lashes may be right for you.