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Tag: Video Testimonials

Client Testimonials – Another Effective Marketing Tool

Small businesses can use customer testimonials as an effective marketing tool, as long as it's done correctly. How to get a meaningful client testimonial? Well, when you politely ask your long-term clients to give feedback this will be effective. You can look for the best client testimonial videos via to get potential customers to your website.

Video Testimonials: Video Production Do's & Don'ts Generate Design

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Whenever they tell you how satisfied they are with your product or service, you could ask if it was okay for you to feature their comments on a brochure or website. In case you have customers who reveal that there might be problems with your service, then you could use this information to improve your business.

An additional way to do this would be to work together with two or three customers who you have to help to resolved a problem (ideally one that cost them a lot of money; customers who use your solution to increase their client list or profit or someone who benefited from your business in one way or the other) in order to get their stories to create case studies that would end with a brief testimonial.

One more long-term approach would be to come up with a way to get client reviews through your entire systems, for instance after cash sales you can ask clients if they had a good experience.