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Tag: teeth whitening services

How Long Does the Teeth Whitening Process Take?

To have teeth whitened by a dentist, the process typically takes around two hours. This includes the time it takes for the teeth whitening expert to perform the procedures and for the patient to return for a final check-up.

What Are The Potential Risks?

There are a few potential risks associated with teeth whitening. These risks include pain, sensitivity, and damage to the teeth. In some cases, these risks can be mitigated by using products that are specifically designed to reduce these risks.

3. Is It Safe To Whiten My Teeth at Home?

Some people choose to whiten their teeth at home using toothpaste and water. While this is an effective way to whiten your teeth, it is not recommended by most dentists. Doing so can lead to more damage to your teeth and increased sensitivity. Instead, most dentists recommend visiting a professional whitening clinic.

These clinics typically charge a monthly fee that covers the cost of products, procedures and/or lasers.Most dentists will not perform teeth whitening activities without first performing a thorough teeth cleaning. This includes using an ultrasonic or manual tooth cleaning machine to remove any stains and plaque buildup on your teeth. Once the treatment has been completed, they will then use their whitening products to complete your procedure.