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Tag: Right Earring Styles

Right Earring Styles To Suit Your Needs

The post-post earrings are designed with a straight rod to pass through the ear with a small ball of metal or a simple decorative element showing on your ear. 

Although these are often worn by women, they are also used by men and children with pierced ears. You can also wear classy wooden African earrings from

Back to Lever – This is another pierced earring style, usually made in a type of hoop design, which has a lever that locks in place after placing the post through your ear, preventing So the earring from the exit of your ear.

French wire – It's the earrings that have a curved thread at the top and then extend straight so that when you place it through your ear, the curved part is through it with the long part that dragged Below and behind the ear holding the earring in place.

Hoops – This earring style has been around for many years and is available in addition to sizes and shapes than ever. 

From the smallest hoop that hardly surrounds the lobes of the ear to those who hit the shoulder, they were traditionally solid metal. 

Today's collection includes those who are dotted with diamonds or precious stones as well as those that are square or heart-shaped, in addition to the simple circles of the sixties.

Stands – These earrings are messages with any type of decoration on the forehead, including diamonds and precious stones in a variety of different shapes.

Candlesticks – This is a popular style to display diamonds or diamonds simulated extravagantly. They can also be used with any type of precious stone to create more colorful screens.