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Tag: pullman residences singapore

How Foreign Investors Can Get the Best Residence in Singapore

Wealthy foreigners qualify in Singapore via many different investment programs. This program is not for everybody. However, if you are looking for settling down in Singapore, one of these programs may be for you.

Global investor program

Applications for permanent residency in the Global Investor Program are assessed by the Economic Development Council (EDB) and Contact Singapore. To be considered for PR GIP status, investors must: To get more details about Pullman residences show flat you may check here

How Foreign Investors Can Get the Best Residence in Singapore

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Starting in January 2011, qualified applicants with the required entrepreneurial and business experience or senior management experience can choose between two GIP investment options:

Option 1: Invest at least S $ 2.5 million to start or expand an existing business in Singapore. This initial investment must be approved by the Singapore Venture Capital Fund, Singapore Foundation, or other business development trust before investing.

Option 2: Invest at least $ 2.5 million in GIP approved funds. This initial investment must be approved by the Singapore Venture Capital Fund or Singapore Foundation or other business development trust before investing.

As part of the Global Investor Program, applicants can include their immediate family in their PR application. Immediate family includes the applicant's spouse and unmarried children less than 21 years of age.

The financial investor scheme application for PR is reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore known as MAS. Eligibility is based on the applicant who has a net worth of $ 20 million and has held assets of at least $ 5 million with a Singaporean financial institution regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore for at least five years.