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Tag: prp kit supplier

A New Economic Method for Preparing Platelet Rich Plasma in NJ

While platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is now used in a variety of medical fields, such as dermatology or cosmetic surgery but the expense of the procedure is a major obstacle.


A unique and economical method of making PRP was presented. The procedure consists of the simple modification of the syringe with the help of a PRP kit, which is disposable and 5-mL in size, that permits insertion into a centrifuge that is common and then positioning the syringe in the centrifuge so that the PRP disperses near the end of the syringe.

The growth factor-BB derived from platelets in PRP was evaluated under the conditions of anticoagulant dextrose solutions A (ACD-A) or heparin as an anticoagulant, and without or with prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation. You can contact the #1 PRP kit suppliers in New Jersey in order to extract pure PRP.


The new technique has successfully produced PRP that has a high platelet-derived factor-BB under every condition. The best value was obtained using PGE1 and ACD-A.


The new technique is effective and using ACD-A along with PGE1 is the best option. Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) can be a typical procedure used in the cosmetic dermatological area. It stimulates fibroblasts in the skin and helps them create collagen fibers. Because PRP is created by self-blood it is considered secure.

Most commercially available kits adopt anticoagulant dextrose solution as an anticoagulant even though there are others such as heparin or EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).