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Tag: PAT testing

Dont Overlook Fire Safety Services

You may think you have your event planned down to the fine details, but many often overlook fire safety. You need to make sure you have it all in place or you can be held liable if there are injuries due to a fire. If you rent a facility, you still have to make sure all of the key points are in place and the codes are met.

The best way to ensure you meet event fire safety is to hire a professional to come evaluate all of it. They can tell you if they feel something isn't safe and let you know the corrective action they feel needs to be taken. To find the best fire safety services navigate to

By law, all businesses must have a maximum capacity sign in place. This states the most people that can be in that location at any given time. It is your responsibility to ensure your guest number doesn't exceed that capacity as there aren't any exceptions. 

If you allow your invited guests to bring along additional people with them, you may be pushing that capacity. Exit doors are to remain unlocked during an activity according to event fire safety. Being well prepared can reduce the risk of injuries and death if there is a fire.