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Tag: hydraulic pump manufacturer

Hydraulic Pumps – Information and Buying Tips

Hydraulic pumps work on the principle of converting physical energy as well as motion to hydraulic power. They can rotate and work just like a motor. They are usually powered by electricity or gas and hand or air-driven models can also be found and used. In the industry of fluid power, there are three kinds of machinery that are used namely gear, vane, and piston pump.

There are two types that are employed within hydraulic drive systems. which are hydrostatic and dynamic. The main difference between hydrodynamic and hydrostatic is that they are models with positive displacement whereas hydrodynamics are usually fixed models with variable displacements. For the rest of the information, click on this link


This type comes with a fixed displacement and external teeth and is suitable for pressures below 3000psi. These are simple to operate, come cheap and are durable. The major cons of a gear model is that it has a limited pressure capability, unbalanced results in large bearing loads, can be noisy and because it is working at a constant displacement, their work is less efficient.


This type is chiefly driven by an outside engine that rotates at a continuous speed. Similar amount of fluid is pumped with each rotation, which is regardless of how much pressure there is in the system. Its major advantages are reliability and simple operation. One will certainly find an option of variable displacement and this type has a higher pressure capability as compared to the gear type, as it operates in pressures up to 180 bars. Expensive and more complex are the two major disadvantage of this particular type.

Axial Piston

This particular type contains pistons that are arranged in a circular array within a cylinder block, which serves as its housing. It has a variable design and contains the highest volumetric efficiency and pressure capability. These are the two prime advantages of this type. These work well for pressure up to 350 bars. It is more sensitive to oil contamination and is expensive; these are few inconveniences one will encounter with this model.

Buying Guide:

Before selecting any type of hydraulic pump, it is essential to consider a few very necessary points like operating pressure, temperature, and frequency. There are less expensive, low-pressure models which are will certainly provide satisfactory solutions to several applications that require minimal pressures (less than 200 psi). This type should not be considered for heavy industrial operations.