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Tag: home services

Are Heated Floors a Good Choice For You And Your Family?

Heated floors can be a good addition as it provides a great comfort level to your home. It will be really useful for people who have an elder at their home. People want to have heated floors but they are also concerned about the cost. 

People also want to know about the type of flooring that can be best suitable and compatible with heated flooring. They are also concerned about the durability of the floor. We know that there are also plenty of other questions that arise with the ‘installation of heated floors’ (also known as “installation de planchers chauffants” in the French language) and we hope to provide you with the best answers in this article. 

9 Best Flooring Options for Your Home & How to Choose on a Budget

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People like to use heated mats for outdoor driveaways, walkways, and gravel. Heated mats can also be used for indoor locations like the kitchen and bathroom. They can also be used in basement floors, countertops, laundry rooms, bedrooms and closets. Heated flooring can be installed at the time of installation of flooring. 

When you want to install heated flooring for your home you may be wondering what type of countertop surface or flooring will be the best and most compatible. You will be surprised to know that every type of wood subfloor and concrete floor will be a perfect foundation to a heated floor.