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Tag: hire criminal lawyer phoenix

Reasons Why You Need Criminal Defense Attorney

When faced with serious penalties or spending time in jail or prison, you need to retain a criminal defense lawyer to represent you in court. All criminal cases are different, so the first thing a criminal defense lawyer can determine is what arguments and factors can be used to remove any charges pertaining to the alleged crime.

A Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorney Can Reduce Sentencing with “Plea Bargains” or “Deals”

In order to get a reduced sentence, your criminal defense lawyer with help negotiate a “deal” or “plea bargain” with the prosecutor. In some cases, it will not only reduce your sentence but in many cases may even eliminate some if not all the charges against you. 

If the court finds you guilty of the charges, a criminal defense lawyer may be able to negotiate lesser time served or a rehabilitation program that can help prevent you from winding up in the criminal justice system again. When discussing your case, your criminal defense lawyer can advise the best way to go in order to reduce your sentence. Sometimes pleading guilty can result in your having a shorter sentence.

Your Criminal Defense Layer and Emotional Help

While a criminal defense lawyer isn’t a therapist, they may help you deal with the emotions that accompany criminal trials. They can help by explaining the realities of the legal system and discussing what you may be up against during trial. 

Since they are well versed in the system, your criminal defense lawyer can also go over court rules and regulations, and the best way to navigate through the system. Also critical in negotiating a reduced sentence are the “unwritten rules” in which a criminal defense lawyer is also well versed in.