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Tag: electric toothbrush reviews

How Electric Toothbrush Is More Effective Than Manual Toothbrush?

Brushing your teeth regularly is a sign of good oral care and prevention. Both electric and manual toothbrushes are effective in removing the plaque which otherwise causes decay and disease.

Electric and manual toothbrush have their benefits and disadvantages. We will let you know the benefits of Electric toothbrush as researched by the best electric toothbrush consumer reports.

  1. Effective at removing plaque: In studies and research, it has been found out that Electric toothbrushes are more effective in cleaning and removing plaque and gingivitis as compared to a manual toothbrush. The oscillations produced by the toothbrush work better than a simple toothbrush.
  2. Easy for people with limited mobility: Electric toothbrush is helpful for people with Arthritis, carpal tunnel, and have a problem in their hands.
  3. Built-in timers: In general, people tend to brush hardly for one minute with a manual toothbrush, whereas with an electric toothbrush having a built-in timer, the minimum period set for brushing is 2 minutes which is sufficient for thorough cleaning of teeth and gums.
  4. Less waste: In an electric toothbrush, you need to only replace the brush head whereas, in a manual, the complete toothbrush is replaced. So, the wastage is less in the case of an electric toothbrush.
  5. May improve concentration while brushing: People are more concentrated on brushing while using the electric toothbrush if compared to a manual one. This can potentially improve the oral health of an individual.