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Tag: dry eye clinic Toronto

What Causes Dry Eye Symptoms?

Dry eyes are a frequent problem and one which affects thousands of people daily. Therefore, if you do suffer from dry eyes, what can you do about it?

Well, there are lots of unique reasons to get dry eyes, and it is a frequent symptom to get a lot of eye-related problems. Yet there are also other contributing factors that can cause the condition, with the most important source being aging. You can contact Dr. Dorio Eye care Associates if you are looking for the best dry eye treatment in Toronto.

dry eye optometrist

However some folks are fortunate enough to maintain perfect eyesight, while they get older, with no attention problems, maybe not all of us are so blessed. Like many regions of the body, the eyes slowly start to degenerate with time as we get older. This means that the older one is, the more in danger from eye difficulties. 

Still another important biological factor that may result in dry eyes will be hormonal modifications and imbalance. That is especially true in women, at which hormones shift quite rapidly each month. Your daily routine contains multiple times where the body completely transforms a number of its hormones, and as such many of them might have an impact on your own eyes.

The menopause can also be an occasion of major metabolic change in your body, and it could have long-lasting outcomes on several diverse areas of the body as well as your health and fitness. Just like monthly hormonal changes, the massive effect these hormones may have in your body can allow one to have dry eyes out.

 In the event that you suffer from dry eyes in peak times each month during your time, or if you are going through menopause, then it's crucial that you seek an optician or consult with your community GP.