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Tag: dark underarms treatment

What Causes Hyperpigmentation and Treatment Options

Hyperpigmented skin is skin that is marked by off-color and speckled spots that remain immediately after acne breaks down, aging, or exposure to UV light. The spots are usually flat areas of wilted skin called macules. Smears can appear in many different colors depending on your skin tone as well as the severity of your acne.

Acne will provoke your skin to flare up, causing a surplus of melanin to cause the formation of dark spots. Melanin levels control the color of the skin; therefore too much melanin is responsible for hyperpigmentation.

However, dark spots are not really a scar and there are quite a few options to manage them. By reading this article you can learn more about pure Kojic acid soap for dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation and Treatment Options

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You'll find a variety of over-the-counter treatments, including a selection of powerful "whitening" accessories. However, there is another essential thing before trying such a lotion, always to keep your face free from pimples as pimples can interfere with the healing process, resulting in more hyperpigmentation.

Hydroquinone cream is undoubtedly a popular technique for treating speckled skin. Hydroquinone cream prevents your skin from producing melanin and eventually causes your skin to turn white.

To avoid bright areas of your skin that are not stained, you should apply skin cream to purely affected areas. Hydroquinone can be purchased over-the-counter as well as prescription therapy.

Due to the compound, the skin becomes lighter due to lighter and better skin tone. Freshly missed skin will probably be unexpectedly clear. Lactic acid can be purchased within an over-the-counter skin consignment for sale in the form of soaps, lotions, and pastes, and high levels are provided solely as a prescription.