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Tag: augmented reality

Augmented Reality- Potential Benefits For Customers

In a 2019 article, Radu and Schneider note that augmented reality can have different uses in e-commerce, mainly because of its ability to represent 3D objects in the real world.

Presenting products in interactive 3D through 'augmented reality' (also known as 'realite augmentee' in the French Language) increases customer loyalty by displaying digital versions of these products in a real environment.

Augmented Reality can also save customers a lot of time, as they can test multiple products with one tool as an app and thus decide which one is best for them without having to try them out in person. 

Thanks to this technology, e-commerce websites can also offer their customers the opportunity to customize or personalize their products online, thus making their own designs as close to their needs as possible.

This technology is also used in practice in the e-commerce sector through digital marketing. In this case, a physical object is accompanied by additional information in the form of a picture, a few lines of text or a video.

An example of augmented reality

Let's take another example of augmented reality integrated into an e-commerce platform: Baume, a high-end watch brand.

Baume currently offers its customers an integrated 3D configuration tool from Hapticmedia that presents products in interactive 3D and allows users to customize their purchases and create their own unique watch designs.

Among the available options, the frame design, color, dial, hand style and lettering on the back of the box can be customized for a total of over 2000 possible combinations.