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Paying Inheritance Tax in the UK

Taxpayers are divided on the current UK inheritance tax. We all believe that someone who has paid all taxes on their earnings during their lifetime is immune from the government's right to levy tax on the income for the second time after death.

This tax is sometimes called "Double Tax", as the possession is subject to two tax rates. Many people disapprove of the double tax and have filed a petition to stop the inheritance tax. Someone who is in a position to receive any inheritance must be aware of what inheritance tax estimator is and how it's paid.

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The amount of tax that will be levied on the inheritance share if the inheritor is liable to it. The tax due on the inheritance share is payable by beneficiaries. If a person dies, their estate will be liable to 40% tax on any inheritance above the PS325,000 threshold. 36% if they leave more than 10% to charity. It is important to deal with it as a simple action can help you save PS100,000.

How to save huge amounts of inheritance tax

Here's a quick and simple guide to avoid inheritance taxes.

First, decide which assets you wish to keep in trust. Most Settlers keep a smaller amount at the beginning and then add more as they go. You can make a significant contribution at the beginning, but death could happen at any time.

You must name your trustees. The trustees are responsible for distributing trust assets to beneficiaries. It is possible to be a trustee in many jurisdictions. However, you must choose an independent trustee who isn't from your immediate and extended family. The court may reject the trust if you fail to comply.