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Low-Carbon Crude Oil Production – An Overview

The growing demand for low-carbon oil will have a significant impact on various market segments, including capital investment, supply, and price. Low-carbon transition policies will have a significant impact on the oil and gas industry.

At the same time, however, many oil and gas producers must also deal with the current market demand for low-carbon oil and gas supplies. The reduction of the CO2 emissions that are produced when coal and oil are burned: Fossil fuel-based carbon abatement technologies (CATs) enable fossil fuels to be used with substantially reduced CO2 emissions.

As per the growing demand for low-carbon capture emission, there are various companies that are working on this technology. Dastur Energy helps clients optimize the advantages of CO2 EOR, i.e. sustainability and low-carbon/net-negative oil production. You can also visit  to get information related to low-carbon crude oil production. 

To ride the winds of low-carbon change, oil and gas companies must first determine their competitive advantage in various low-carbon energy sectors. Companies must meet a range of political, investment, and societal requirements to move towards a low-carbon energy system while meeting the long-term expected global demand for oil and gas.

The solutions that Dastur Energy are based on:

  • Determination of the lowest cost industrial source of CO2
  • CO2 EOR as a carbon tax risk hedge and competitive advantage
  • Mature oil field management