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How To Use The Bradford Factor Calculator For Your Staff?

The Bradford Factor Calculator can be used to calculate staff absence totals, and to assign a weighted faculty attendance rate. A low Bradford rating indicates good attendance.

The Bradford Factor calculator is simple to use. It will tell you how many times a person was absent, and how many days they worked in a month. To calculate your staff days off, you can also find the Bradford points calculator at ScheduleLeave and start your free trial.

Below are detailed instructions for using and working with this calculator.

Enter the total number of times that the person has been absent from the "Absent Count” section.

Enter the number of days absent in the "Days Absent” section. If the person was absent for three days, then five days, then half a daily, four days, enter 12.5, as. The sum all days absent (3 + 0.5 + 4 = 12.5) equals 12.5.

To get a score, click "Calculate" on your keyboard or press the return key.

The Bradford Factor allows corporations to assign a relative weighting for unplanned absences (illnesses, poor health, etc.). The Bradford Factor is based on the belief that multiple absences can have a greater impact on operations than long-term sickness or sick leave.

Employers can face significant difficulties It can be difficult to fill important positions at the last minute, especially if the employee is an SME (Subject Matter Expert), in a particular subject or field. Temporary movement of contractors and faculty can often make it easier to manage long-term absences.