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How Microsoft Certification Courses Can Help

There are two types of courses: self-paced courses and instructor-led courses. Many professionals choose individual courses because they can skip their current schedules. This course is designed to help IT professionals learn new skills and apply them to create a more productive work environment. 

The self-contained kit includes practice tests and a roadmap for participants to use. As participants learn, progress is made and potential improvements identified. To test your skills, this kit includes over 200 exercises and review questions. During Office 365 training courses, the potential for improvement is identified. 

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These areas require additional attention to master the identified skills. In addition, participants learn best practices in the industry. Implementing best practices makes company systems and processes more efficient and employees more productive. 

The case scenarios provide practical examples of how these principles have been applied and how you can make them work in your company. Individual courses are offered at a reduced price. Most guides are available online. Questions can also be asked through online forums.

Instructor-led courses are taught by Microsoft certified trainers. These courses are more personal and offer more personalized attention than stand-alone courses. Teacher-led courses are also more expensive. Coaches can assist students with testing strategies and help them prepare for exams.