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How A Website Audit Can Help Your Business

Your website is usually the first point of contact between your business and prospective customers. This is why it's not surprising that a lot of businesses including the biggest corporations to the smallest of businesses are spending a substantial portion of their marketing budgets to design an appealing, functional and user-friendly site. 

If your site isn't the success you expected, it's the time to talk to an expert in online marketing about the need for a site audit. If you are looking for the best person to advise you on how to audit your site, you can visit

A review of your website and an analysis will benefit your business since it provides a thorough analysis of your site's structure as well as functionality of your website. It will provide suggestions to increase the conversion rate.

What is an Audit of Websites?

Before we go into the specifics on how an audit could aid your website it is important to spend some time debating the definition of a website audit. 

In its most basic sense the term "website audit" refers to an audit by a professional of your site's content to find ways to improve the conversion of visitors to customers. It will ultimately aid in increasing revenues and sales by enticing users to engage in. 

When you conduct an audit the web developer will conduct an extensive analysis that includes:

  • Examining your website to make sure that your brand is accurately represented,

  • Checking your website's position in major search engines.

  • Monitoring website visits and conversion rates,

  • Examining the popularity of links,

  • A comparative review of competitors,

  • Analyzing the structure and navigation of websites and

  • A check of browser compatibility.

The ultimate goal of your site review is to develop some suggestions in order to make sure that your organization's websites, products/services, as well as your company are in an approach that you are able to improve the conversion rate of your website visitors into customers.