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Few Tips To Help You Select A Great Family Dentist

Your dentist is not just the person who cleans your teeth. Your dentist is an integral part of your family's healthcare team.

A good dentist will help you spot and prevent problems with your teeth, as well as help improve your overall health and oral health. It is important to find a trusted family dentist.

You can visit  if you are looking for a family dentist in Orange Park.

Marino Family Dentistry - Orange Park, FL - (904) 269-2185

Although the term "good", while subjective, can be used to describe a potential family dentist. However, objective criteria can be used to assess a potential candidate.

1. What are the credentials and experiences of the dentist?

The United States requires that dentists must have graduated from an accredited dental school.

They also need to pass written and practical exams. Check his website for details about his credentials. If there are multiple dentists working in the office, make sure you check whether all of them the same experience and credentials have.

When you call, ask questions. Are you looking for a dentist that can treat children and teens? Ask because some family dentists won't work with children under the age of 18.

2. Is the receptionist friendly and helpful or rude when you call the office? Are they patient or rude when answering your questions?

The person at the front desk can tell you a lot about a business. This person is important in any professional setting but especially in a dental or medical office.

You may feel too intimidated or condescending if the front desk person is rude. This can be a problem if you are in a dental emergency