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Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Los Angeles – How it Can Help

The dialectic or dbt behavioral therapy was developed by Linhan Marsha, that was also a developer of cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. DBT came from cognitive behavioral therapy when linuhan found that CBT cannot be applied to all psychological problems, especially those associated with borderline personality disorders.

Dialectical behavior therapy’s approach to psychological issues was that those who were raised in a bad environment due to biological factors had reacted abnormally to stimulating emotions.  If you are seeking to opt for DBT for your mental health problems then you can opt for Village Counselling & Wellness Center in LA for best DBT-based treatment.

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DBT consists of two components:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group Therapy

In individual therapy, therapists and clients discuss the problems that have appeared in the past week, note them on the note card and make a treatment plan. As soon as those topics are included, the quality of life is discussed and the client starts working to improve his life. The skills to improve quality of life are then set.

In group therapy, skills to improve quality of life are taught to clients to begin to improve their lives. The four main skills that are part of the dialect behavior therapy are:

  • Core mindfulness
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Emotion regulation
  • Distress tolerance

Dialectical behavior therapy is proactive, engages clients to set and focus on goals and improves quality of life.