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An Informative Guide on Indica and Sativa

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the difference between indica and Sativa strains. In this article, we will help clear up some of the biggest misconceptions about these two types of marijuana.

Indica Strains: Indica strains are typically more relaxing and sedating than Sativa strains. They tend to be better for daytime use, as they provide a mellower high. Some people find that indicas make them more creative and focused, while others feel more sleepy and relaxed. You can also look for top strains of weed online.

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Sativa Strains: Sativas are often more energizing and stimulating than indicas. They tend to be better for evening or nighttime use, as they can give you a strong energy boost. Some people find that Sativas make them more alert and focused, while others feel more creative and inspired.

How to Choose Between Indica And Sativa

The main difference between indica and Sativa strains is the length of their flowering periods. The indica strain typically flowers in about 7 to 10 days, while the Sativa strain typically takes about 12 to 16 days to flower. The other main difference between indica and Sativa strains is their effects. Indica strains tend to be more relaxing and provide a heavy body high, while sativa strains are more energizing and stimulating.